Which fits better

Wow! He hit that ball good or well.

Does the missing word describe how he hit it or him?

Which fits better?

I'm glad he raised his glove real or really quickly quick and caught the ball.

We'll be happy to check your thinking. What do YOU think the answers are?

I think it is he hit the ball well because it describes how he hit it

I think really quickly because it describes how he raised the glove

In both sentences, the missing words should describe how something was done or happened. Let's break it down:

1. For the first sentence, we need to choose between "good" and "well" to describe how he hit the ball. To determine which one to use, we need to consider whether we are referring to the verb "hit" or the subject "he."

- If we're describing the verb "hit," we should use the adverb "well." The word "well" is an adverb that describes the action of hitting, indicating that he hit the ball skillfully or effectively. So, the correct choice in this case is "Well! He hit that ball well."
- If we wanted to describe the subject "he," we would use the adjective "good." The word "good" is an adjective that describes the noun or pronoun. However, in this context, we want to describe how the ball was hit, so we should use the adverb "well" instead.

2. In the second sentence, we need to choose between "real," "really," or "quick" to describe how he raised his glove and caught the ball.

- If we want to use an adverb to describe the action of raising his glove and catching the ball, we should use "really." The adverb "really" modifies the verb "raised" and adds emphasis to the quickness of the action. So, the correct choice in this case is "I'm glad he raised his glove really quickly and caught the ball."
- If we want to use an adjective to describe the subject "he," we would choose "quick." The word "quick" describes the noun or pronoun. However, in this context, we want to describe how he performed the action, so we should use the adverb "really" instead.

So, the correct versions of the sentences are:

1. "Well! He hit that ball well."
2. "I'm glad he raised his glove really quickly and caught the ball."