a copper cylinder 1.50 m long and 40.0 cm in diameter stands on one end.what is the mass of the cylinder?

You will need to look up the density of copper. Call it p. It is about 8.94 g/cm^3

The mass is pi*r^2*L*p

L and r should be in cm to get the mass in grams. r = 20.0 cm; L =[ 150 cm.

The mass will not depend upon whether it is standing on an end or the side

To calculate the mass of the copper cylinder, we'll need to know its volume and the density of copper.

1. Start by calculating the volume of the cylinder. The formula for the volume of a cylinder is: V = π * r^2 * h, where V represents the volume, π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159, r is the radius of the cylinder, and h is the height (or length) of the cylinder.

2. Convert the diameter to radius by dividing it by 2. In this case, the radius would be 40.0 cm / 2 = 20.0 cm = 0.20 m.

3. Calculate the volume of the cylinder by substituting the values into the formula: V = 3.14159 * (0.20 m)^2 * 1.50 m.

V = 0.2827 m^3.

4. Find the density of copper. The density of copper is typically around 8,960 kg/m^3.

5. Finally, calculate the mass of the copper cylinder using the formula: mass = density * volume.

mass = 8,960 kg/m^3 * 0.2827 m^3.

mass ≈ 2,529.47 kg.

Therefore, the mass of the copper cylinder is approximately 2,529.47 kg.