There are 6 numbers in a set of numbers. The least number is 8 and the greates number is 14. The mean, median, and the mode are 11. What are the numbers ?

Be sure to post what you decide.

8,11,11,11,11,14 or

8,9,11,11,13,14 or

To find the missing five numbers in the given set, we need to analyze the information provided.

Since the mean, median, and mode are all given as 11, we can conclude that out of the six numbers, there are three 11s.

The mean is the average of all the numbers, so the sum of all the numbers divided by 6 equals 11. This gives us:
(8 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 14 + x) / 6 = 11

To solve for x, we can solve this equation for x:
8 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 14 + x = 66 (multiply both sides by 6)
55 + x = 66 (combine like terms)
x = 66 - 55 (subtract 55 from both sides)
x = 11

Therefore, the missing five numbers are 11, 11, 11, 11, and 11.