What civilizations shaped early Europe?

Roman, Germanic, Byzantine


To identify the civilizations that shaped early Europe, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching prehistoric Europe: Before the emergence of written records, early inhabitants of Europe developed distinct cultures and civilizations. Look into the artifacts, tools, and architectural remains from this period.

2. Study the Ancient Greeks: Ancient Greece is often regarded as one of the most influential civilizations in early Europe. Explore their achievements in philosophy, art, literature, and science. Important concepts like democracy and the Olympic Games originated from Ancient Greece.

3. Investigate Ancient Rome: The Roman Empire left an indelible mark on Europe. Familiarize yourself with their governance, infrastructure, legal system, language (Latin), and cultural contributions. The Romans had a lasting influence on architecture, engineering, and the spread of Christianity.

4. Learn about the Celts: The Celts were a diverse group of tribes that inhabited various parts of Europe. Discover their societies, religious practices, and the impact they had on early Europe, particularly in regions such as Ireland, Scotland, and parts of Central Europe.

5. Explore the Byzantine Empire: The Eastern Roman Empire, known as the Byzantine Empire, was centered around Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul). Investigate their artistic, architectural, and religious contributions, such as the preservation and dissemination of ancient Greek knowledge.

6. Examine the Viking Era: The Vikings were seafaring people from Scandinavia who had a significant impact on Europe, particularly through their exploration, trade, and conquests. Learn about their seafaring skills, settlements, culture, and influence.

7. Look into the contributions of the Islamic world: Although not strictly part of Europe, the Islamic world had an extensive impact on Europe through the Islamic Golden Age. Discover the advancements made in science, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy by Islamic scholars, and how these knowledge exchanges influenced Europe.

By researching and understanding the civilizations mentioned above, you'll develop a comprehensive understanding of the major influences and contributors to early Europe.