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U.S. And foreign companies built factories in Mexico

Cost of labor is much cheaper in Mexico than in the U.S.

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The United States and foreign companies have built factories in Mexico for several reasons:

1. Cost advantages: Mexico offers lower labor costs compared to the United States and other developed countries. The availability of affordable labor makes it attractive for companies to manufacture goods in Mexico.

2. Proximity to the United States market: Mexico shares a border with the United States, making it geographically close to one of the world's largest consumer markets. By setting up factories in Mexico, companies can take advantage of reduced transportation costs and shorter supply chains to reach American consumers more efficiently.

3. Trade agreements: Mexico has a network of free trade agreements, such as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement), which provide companies with preferential access to markets in North America. These trade agreements eliminate or reduce tariffs, making it easier for companies to trade goods between Mexico and the United States.

4. Stable macroeconomic environment: Mexico has established a stable macroeconomic environment with prudent fiscal policies, moderate inflation rates, and a favorable investment climate. This stability provides companies with confidence in long-term investments and business operations.

5. Established manufacturing infrastructure: Mexico has developed a strong manufacturing industry over the years, with a well-established supply chain network and infrastructure. Companies can tap into this existing manufacturing ecosystem, benefiting from reliable infrastructure, skilled labor, and technological capabilities.

To find more specific reasons why a particular company has built a factory in Mexico, you can refer to business reports, industry analysis, financial statements, or official company announcements. These sources often provide insights into the motivations and strategies of businesses in setting up manufacturing operations in foreign countries.