ms nikkel wants to divide her class of 23 students into 4 equal teams.IS THIS REASONABLe why or why not

No, you can divide 23 by 4 and get 5.75, but you can't split people into 3/4's

No we can' t divide 23 and 4

Do you remember remainders yes you can

No you can not divide 23 by 4 because you might get the wrong answer

No Because if you dived 23 and 4 you will get the wrong answer.

To determine if it is reasonable to divide Ms. Nikkel's class of 23 students into 4 equal teams, we need to check if it is possible to divide the total number of students evenly among the teams.

One way to solve this is by dividing the total number of students by the number of teams and check if the remainder is zero. If the remainder is zero, it means that the class can be divided into equal teams.

So let's do the calculations:

23 students divided by 4 teams equals 5 remainder 3.

Since there is a remainder of 3, it means that it is not possible to divide the class of 23 students into 4 equal teams.

Therefore, it is not reasonable to divide the class into 4 equal teams because there will be 3 students left without a team.

To divide the class into equal teams, one option could be forming three teams of 6 students each and one team of 5 students. This way, all students will be assigned to a team, even though the teams won't be exactly the same size.