if a 600 kg racing car crashes into barrier at 190 mph and it takes 3 seconds for the car to stop sill,what is the force that the car hit with?

F= mass x acceleration.

F= 600 x 3.
F= 1800

To calculate the force with which the car hit the barrier, you can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma).

First, we need to convert the car's initial velocity from mph to m/s, as the SI unit for velocity is meters per second. We know that 1 mile equals 1609.34 meters, and 1 hour equals 3600 seconds. So, to convert mph to m/s, we can use the following equation:

Velocity in m/s = (Velocity in mph * 1609.34 m) / (3600 s)

Using this formula, we can calculate the car's initial velocity:

Velocity in m/s = (190 mph * 1609.34 m) / (3600 s)
Velocity in m/s ≈ 84.91 m/s

Next, we need to calculate the car's deceleration (negative acceleration) using the equation:

Acceleration (deceleration) = (Change in velocity) / (Time taken)

Given that the initial velocity is 84.91 m/s, the final velocity is 0 m/s (since the car comes to a stop), and the time taken is 3 seconds, we can calculate the deceleration:

Acceleration (deceleration) = (0 m/s - 84.91 m/s) / (3 s)
Acceleration (deceleration) ≈ -28.30 m/s²

Note: The negative sign indicates that the car is decelerating.

Finally, we can calculate the force using Newton's second law of motion:

Force = mass × acceleration

Given that the mass of the racing car is 600 kg and the deceleration is approximately -28.30 m/s², we can calculate the force:

Force = 600 kg × -28.30 m/s²
Force ≈ -16,980 N (since the force is negative)

Therefore, the force with which the car hit the barrier is approximately -16,980 Newtons. The negative sign indicates that the force is in the opposite direction of the car's motion.