Umm help I don't get the difference between 3 minimize 4 with 2 squared in it's place I'm college btw

I can help explain the difference between the expression "3 minimize 4" and "2 squared" and how to calculate them.

Let's start with the expression "3 minimize 4." When you see the term "minimize" between two numbers, it means you need to find the smaller of the two numbers. In this case, you need to compare the numbers 3 and 4 and determine which one is smaller.

To solve this, simply compare the two numbers and choose the smaller one. In this case, 3 is smaller than 4, so the result of "3 minimize 4" is 3.

Now let's move on to "2 squared." Squaring a number means multiplying the number by itself. In this case, you need to square the number 2, which means multiplying it by itself.

To solve this, multiply 2 by itself: 2 * 2 = 4. Therefore, the result of "2 squared" is 4.

To summarize:
- "3 minimize 4" means you need to find the smaller of the two numbers, which is 3.
- "2 squared" means you need to multiply 2 by itself, resulting in 4.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the difference between the two expressions!