Both Greta and Fred were on the bus that arrived in Pittsburgh. Fred was glad to be home. He looked forward to visiting with old friends. Greta, on the other hand, dreaded seeing her old boyfriend. She already missed her days in New York City.

16. What can you most safely infer from the paragraph?

A. Fred and Greta are friends.
B. Fred once lived in Pittsburgh.
C. Greta hates her old boyfriend.
D. Fred is a friendly person.

I'll be glad to comment on your answer.

I infer that Penn Foster is ripping people taking this course. Read the choicers again and decide which statement is supported by the opening paragraph.

Scientists generally agree that Earth is getting warmer due to what's called the greenhouse effect. A greenhouse used for plants stays warm because sunlight and heat coming through the glass roof are mostly trapped. The heat doesn't radiate back into the atmosphere because it's partly trapped by the glass. Something like that happens on Earth. The atmosphere acts like a blanket that keeps the Sun's heat from leaking away into space.

6. The main conclusion you can draw from this paragraph is that

is A

To answer this question, we need to carefully analyze the information provided in the paragraph. Fred is glad to be home and is looking forward to visiting with old friends. This suggests that Fred has some connections or history in Pittsburgh, and therefore, option B is a reasonable inference. However, there is no evidence or information suggesting that Fred and Greta are friends or that Greta hates her old boyfriend, so options A and C can be safely ruled out. Additionally, the information provided does not give any indication of Fred's personality, so option D is not a valid inference. Therefore, the correct answer is B: Fred once lived in Pittsburgh.