What background information provides the preliminary grounds for drug usuage?

Can any one help me with this question or give me some kind of guidance please?

To answer your question about the background information that provides preliminary grounds for drug usage, I suggest looking into the field of substance abuse and drug addiction. Here are steps to guide you in finding the information you need:

1. Conduct preliminary research: Start by searching online using keywords such as "drug usage statistics," "factors influencing drug addiction," or "causes of substance abuse." This will give you a general understanding of the topic and help you identify key factors to explore further.

2. Consult reputable sources: Look for reliable sources such as academic journals, government websites, or reputable health organizations. These sources often provide well-researched and evidence-based information on drug usage and its background.

3. Investigate risk factors: Look into different risk factors associated with drug usage, such as genetic factors, environmental influences, mental health conditions, peer pressure, and socioeconomic factors. Understanding these risk factors can provide preliminary grounds for drug usage.

4. Examine social and cultural influences: Investigate how social and cultural factors, such as media portrayal, societal norms, and cultural expectations, contribute to drug usage. These play a significant role in shaping attitudes and behaviors towards drug usage.

5. Consider personal and psychological factors: Explore personal characteristics and psychological factors that can contribute to drug usage, such as low self-esteem, trauma, stress, and coping mechanisms. Understanding these factors can provide preliminary insight into why individuals may turn to drug use.

6. Analyze historical and societal context: Examine historical trends and societal factors that have influenced drug usage patterns. Historical events, economic factors, political climates, and policies can all impact drug usage rates and the reasons behind it.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, considering the credibility of the sources and cross-referencing multiple sources to ensure accuracy.