In parallelogram DEFG, DH = x + 1, HF = 3y, GH = 3x – 4, and HE = 5y + 1. Find the values of x and y.

The parallelogram has D at the top left E at the top right, G at the bottom left and and F at the bottom right with H in the middle.

Thank You ^0^

Since the diagonals bisect each other,

x+1 = 3y
3x-4 = 5y+1

x - 3y = -1
3x - 5y = 5

3x - 9y = -3
3x - 5y = 5

4y = 8

holy crap it's been a decade and we're still struggling on the same exact questions

bruh this is trash, no wonder brainy is better

BROO why is this question even a thingg, ITS BEEN A DECADE AND WE STILL HAVENT GOT IT LOLL

yes it does work

It adds up 5+1=6

3 x 2=6
So they are correct.

Thanks Steve

THank You :) I appreciate your help! :)

How'd he get x=5, though?

how did he get 9y