How do I figure this: A lunch bill is unknown. J has $8.00; not enough for the total bill. H. pays 3/5 of the bill. How much does H. pay? What's the total bill?

(2/5)L = 8

L = 8 / (2/5)
L = 8 * (5/2)
L = 40/2
L = 20

The total lunch bill is $20.

data is not clear.

Are you saying that J pays his $8 towards the bill?

Let the total bill be x dollars
8 + (3/5)x = x
times 5
40 + 3x = 5x
40 = 2x
x = 20

the bill was $20

H pays 3/5 of that = 12
J pays 8, for a total of 20

To figure out how much H. pays and the total bill amount, we'll need to use the information provided in the question.

Let's work through this step by step:

1) Start by assigning variables:
- Let's say the total bill amount is "B".
- H. pays 3/5 of the bill, so we'll represent H.'s payment as (3/5)B.

2) We know that J has $8.00, which is not enough to cover the total bill. Therefore, we can set up the following equation:
8 + (3/5)B < B

3) Now, let's solve the inequality for B:
- First, subtract "8" from both sides of the inequality to move all terms involving "B" to one side:
(3/5)B - B > -8
- Combine the "B" terms on the left side:
(-2/5)B > -8
- To isolate "B," divide both sides of the inequality by (-2/5), remembering to reverse the inequality sign since we are dividing by a negative number:
B < (-8) / (-2/5)
- Simplify the right side by dividing -8 by (-2/5), which is equivalent to multiplying by the reciprocal:
B < 20

4) So, we know that the total bill (B) must be less than $20. However, we don't have enough information to determine the exact amount.

Thus, we can conclude that we don't have enough information to calculate how much H. pays or determine the exact total bill amount. We only know that the total bill is less than $20.