14. Concerning dictionaries and their proper use, which one of the following statements is most accurate?

A. Formal usage of a word is considered colloquial.
B. A dictionary's word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning.
C. A syllable is a unit of sound.
[D. Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries.]

I disagree.

is it C


A syllable is a unit of sound

To determine which of the given statements is most accurate concerning dictionaries and their proper use, let's break down each statement individually:

A. Formal usage of a word is considered colloquial.
This statement is not accurate. The term "colloquial" refers to informal or everyday language. Formal usage of a word is the opposite of colloquial, as it adheres to more standardized rules and is commonly used in formal writing or professional settings.

B. A dictionary's word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning.
This statement is also not accurate. A dictionary defines words and provides their meanings, but language is constantly evolving, and meanings can change over time. Dictionaries aim to capture the most commonly accepted meanings of words at a particular point in time, but they are not fixed or permanent.

C. A syllable is a unit of sound.
This statement is accurate. A syllable is indeed a unit of sound in language. It is a single unit of pronunciation that typically consists of a vowel sound and may be accompanied by consonant sounds.

[D. Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries.]
This statement is not accurate. English dictionaries often include foreign words that have been adopted into the English language. These foreign words become part of the English lexicon and are included in dictionaries to help users understand their meanings and proper usage.

Therefore, the most accurate statement among the given options is: D. Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries.