1. You're likely to encounter formal service in all of the following settings except which one?

A. A gourmet restaurant

B. A wedding

C. A church outing

D. A dinner party

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Of course you can check the related questions below, but I'm sure you don't want to cheat -- certainly on an answer that is this easy.

To determine which setting is the least likely to encounter formal service, we can analyze each option and the level of formality typically associated with it.

A. A gourmet restaurant: Gourmet restaurants are known for their high-quality food and attentive service. They often have a formal ambiance and follow strict service protocols, making them a likely setting for formal service.

B. A wedding: Weddings are typically formal events that demand a high level of service and attention to detail. From the reception to the sit-down dinner, formal service is commonly expected at weddings.

C. A church outing: Church outings are generally more casual and relaxed events. They often involve community members coming together for socializing, outdoor activities, or group meals. While some level of service may be present, it is generally less formal compared to other settings.

D. A dinner party: Dinner parties can vary in formality depending on the host and occasion. However, they often provide a more intimate and relaxed setting compared to gourmet restaurants or weddings. Service at dinner parties can range from formal table service to a more casual buffet-style setup.

Based on this analysis, the most likely option that does not involve formal service is C. A church outing. While there may still be some level of service involved, it is usually less formal compared to gourmet restaurants, weddings, or dinner parties.