69% of the students at a school are involved in after-school activities. There are 598 students in the school. Which is the best estimate of the number of students in after school activities?

A. 360
B. 380
C. 420
D. 450

7*6 = 42

so 420

To find the best estimate of the number of students in after-school activities, we can multiply the percentage of students involved in after-school activities by the total number of students in the school.

Given that 69% of the students are involved in after-school activities and there are 598 students in the school, we can calculate the estimated number of students in after-school activities as follows:

Estimated number of students in after-school activities = 69% (0.69) * Total number of students (598)

Calculating this equation, we get:

Estimated number of students in after-school activities = 0.69 * 598

Estimated number of students in after-school activities ≈ 412.62

Since we're looking for the best estimate, we round this number to the nearest whole number, which gives us an estimated number of students in after-school activities of 413.

Among the answer choices, the best estimate is C. 420, as it is the closest option to 413.