what time of day do you eat mac and cheese.suggestions here

It's usually served at noon for lunch, but it also can be a main dish or a side dish for dinner around six o'clock.

can it be also servered as lunch or breakfast

I never heard of macaroni and cheese being served for breakfast.

well i was just knowing if it was okay

The time of day when people eat mac and cheese can vary depending on personal preferences and cultural norms. However, traditionally, mac and cheese is popularly enjoyed as a main dish during lunch or dinner.

If you are seeking suggestions for when to eat mac and cheese, here are a few options you may consider:

1. Lunch: Mac and cheese can be a filling and comforting lunch option. It pairs well with a side salad or some vegetables, providing a satisfying meal in the middle of the day.

2. Dinner: Mac and cheese can be served as a standalone dish for dinner, particularly for those looking for a quick and easy meal. It can be paired with a protein like grilled chicken or sausage for a more substantial dinner.

3. Snack: Mac and cheese can also be enjoyed as a snack, especially if you make smaller portions or use it as a side dish. It can be served at parties, movie nights, or as comfort food during leisure time.

Ultimately, the choice of when to eat mac and cheese is up to personal preference. Feel free to experiment and find the time of day that suits your taste and schedule.