Why do colleges (like yale, harvard, etc.) give out book awards to high school students????

Here's an interesting discussion of this question.


Thank You!!! :)

Now I know what it is. I'm going to try to get one for Yale or Harvard. I don't why the awards in NO way reflect any intention to offer acceptance for admission??? They should do that because that person... anyone or me worked really hard.

If you don't know why "the awards in NO way reflect any intention to offer acceptance for admission" then you didn't read the postings very carefully.

The award is exactly what you think it should be: a recognition that you have worked hard and achieved superior results academically. They do not mean that if you apply the college will offer you admission.

Colleges, like Yale, Harvard, and others, give out book awards to high school students for several reasons. These awards are typically given to recognize outstanding academic achievement, leadership, or community service. They serve as a way to acknowledge and encourage high school students who have demonstrated exceptional abilities and potential.

Now, let me explain how colleges select high school students for book awards. The selection process varies among colleges, but it often involves a combination of factors. First, colleges may rely on the nominations made by high school teachers or counselors. They may consider students who have consistently excelled academically, shown leadership skills, or made notable contributions to their schools or communities.

Another way colleges identify potential recipients is by reviewing students' academic records, such as transcripts and standardized test scores. They might look for students who have demonstrated a strong and consistent academic performance, indicating their ability to excel in college-level coursework.

Additionally, colleges may take into account students' personal statements or essays, where students can highlight their extracurricular activities, accomplishments, ambitions, and future goals. Through these statements, colleges can evaluate a student's motivation, character, and passion for learning.

Once the potential recipients have been identified, the colleges often send representatives to high schools to present the awards personally. These representatives may be alumni, admissions officers, or professors who engage with the students and share information about the college and its programs.

By giving book awards to high school students, colleges aim to build connections with promising students early on and showcase their interest in fostering excellence and attracting top students. These awards not only recognize students' achievements but also serve as a marketing tool for the college to raise awareness among high-achieving students and encourage them to consider the institution for their future education.

I hope this explanation clarifies why colleges give out book awards to high school students and sheds some light on the selection process involved.