As distinct from civil law, criminal law is law that defines a relationship:

a. between individuals.

b. between governments.

c. between individuals and government.

d. between citizens and non-citizens.


Read carefully about criminal law. Then choose the one correct answer.

Thank you!!

To determine the correct answer between options A, B, C, and D, we need to understand the differences between civil law and criminal law.

Civil law refers to the body of laws that govern non-criminal disputes between individuals or entities. It deals with matters such as contracts, property rights, family law, and torts (civil wrongs). In civil cases, the desired outcome is usually some form of compensation or resolution of a dispute between the parties involved.

On the other hand, criminal law involves offenses that are considered harmful to society as a whole. It deals with crimes such as murder, theft, assault, and fraud. Criminal cases are prosecuted by the government, with the aim of punishing the offender and maintaining societal order.

Now, considering the question, criminal law is distinct because it defines a relationship between individuals and the government. The correct answer is option C: between individuals and government. Criminal law governs the conduct of individuals in society and establishes the boundaries of acceptable behavior, outlining offenses and their corresponding penalties.

In summary, criminal law is not solely concerned with relationships between individuals or between citizens and non-citizens. Rather, it primarily focuses on the relationship between individuals and the government.