an example of a durable good would be

car, refrigerator

An example of a durable good would be a car.

To understand why a car is considered a durable good, we need to have a basic understanding of what durable goods are. Durable goods are products that have a long lifespan and are intended to be used over a relatively long period of time. They are typically tangible items that are used repeatedly, rather than consumed immediately like perishable goods.

When considering a car as a durable good, we can see that it fits the criteria. It is a tangible item that is designed to last for several years, if not decades, with proper maintenance and care. Cars are also intended to be used regularly, making them a durable good.

Another example of a durable good could be household appliances, such as a refrigerator or a washing machine, as they are also intended to have a long lifespan and be used repeatedly over time.