If cospΘ + cosqΘ = o. prove that the different values of Θ form two arithmetical progressions in which the common differences are 2π/p+q and 2π/p-q respectively.

cos px = -cos qx

cos px = cos ( pi - qx )

px = n ( pi ) + / - qx

taking the first case

px = n ( pi ) + qx

x ( p - q ) = n ( pi )

x = n ( ? p i) / ( p - q )

taking the second case we get

x = n ( ? pi ) / ( p + q )

We find the common difference is what is asked.

To prove that the different values of Θ form two arithmetic progressions, let's first manipulate the given equation:

cospΘ + cosqΘ = 0

Rearranging this equation, we get:

cospΘ = -cosqΘ

Now, recalling the trigonometric identity:

cos(θ + π) = -cosθ

We can observe that if we set:

Θ = (2n + 1)π - qΘ

where n is an integer, the equation will hold true.

Next, we substitute Θ with the given value:

(2n + 1)π - qΘ = pΘ

Expanding this equation, we have:

(2n + 1)π = (q + p)Θ

Dividing both sides by (q + p), we find:

Θ = (2n + 1)π / (q + p)

This equation provides the general solution for Θ.

Now, let's calculate the difference between consecutive terms in each of the two arithmetic progressions.

For the first progression:

Let Θ₁ and Θ₂ be two consecutive terms. Their general expressions can be written as:

Θ₁ = (2n + 1)π / (q + p)
Θ₂ = (2n + 3)π / (q + p)

The difference between these terms is:

Δ₁ = Θ₂ - Θ₁ = [(2n + 3)π / (q + p)] - [(2n + 1)π / (q + p)]

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Δ₁ = 2π / (q + p)

Thus, the common difference for the first arithmetic progression is 2π / (q + p).

For the second progression:

Let Θ₃ and Θ₄ be two consecutive terms. Their general expressions can be written as:

Θ₃ = (2n + 1)π / (q + p)
Θ₄ = (2n - 1)π / (q + p)

The difference between these terms is:

Δ₂ = Θ₄ - Θ₃ = [(2n - 1)π / (q + p)] - [(2n + 1)π / (q + p)]

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Δ₂ = -2π / (q - p)

Thus, the common difference for the second arithmetic progression is -2π / (q - p).

To summarize, we have shown that the different values of Θ form two arithmetic progressions with common differences of 2π / (q + p) and -2π / (q - p) respectively.

To prove that the different values of Θ form two arithmetic progressions with the common differences of 2π/(p+q) and 2π/(p-q), let's start by manipulating the given equation.

Given: cos(pΘ) + cos(qΘ) = 0

Using the trigonometric identity, cos(A) + cos(B) = 2cos((A+B)/2)cos((A-B)/2), we can rewrite the equation as:

2cos((pΘ+qΘ)/2)cos((pΘ-qΘ)/2) = 0

Now, we have two possibilities:

1. The first factor is equal to 0:

cos((pΘ+qΘ)/2) = 0

This implies that (pΘ+qΘ)/2 = (2n+1)π/2, where n is an integer.

Simplifying, we get:

pΘ+qΘ = (2n+1)π

Θ = (2n+1)π/(p+q)

The difference between consecutive values of Θ in this case is:

Θ2 - Θ1 = [(2n+3)π/(p+q)] - [(2n+1)π/(p+q)] = 2π/(p+q)

2. The second factor is equal to 0:

cos((pΘ-qΘ)/2) = 0

This implies that (pΘ-qΘ)/2 = (2m+1)π/2, where m is an integer.

Simplifying, we get:

pΘ-qΘ = (2m+1)π

Θ = (2m+1)π/(p-q)

The difference between consecutive values of Θ in this case is:

Θ2 - Θ1 = [(2m+3)π/(p-q)] - [(2m+1)π/(p-q)] = 2π/(p-q)

Therefore, the different values of Θ form two arithmetic progressions with common differences of 2π/(p+q) and 2π/(p-q) respectively.