I'm having trouble coming up with a proof regarding isoceles trapezoids. The given information is that the diagonals of trapezoid ABCD are congruent so segment AC is congruent to segment DB. Can anyone explain the steps of proving the legs of the trapezoid are congruent? Thank you.

I thought the definition of isosceles trapezoid was that the legs were equal. In fact, the bisector of the bases is an axis of symmetry.

To prove that the legs of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a diagram of the given trapezoid ABCD. Label the vertices as A, B, C, and D, and mark the diagonal AC and DB.

Step 2: Write down the given information. In this case, the given information is that the diagonals AC and DB are congruent. So, you can write AC ≅ DB.

Step 3: Recall the properties of isosceles trapezoids. An isosceles trapezoid has two legs (the non-parallel sides) and two bases (the parallel sides). The legs are congruent, while the bases are not necessarily congruent.

Step 4: Identify the legs of the trapezoid. In this case, the legs of trapezoid ABCD are AD and BC.

Step 5: Use the information from step 3 (the properties of isosceles trapezoids) and the given information (AC ≅ DB) to start your proof. Since AC and DB are the diagonals and they are congruent, you can consider triangle ADC and triangle BDC.

Step 6: Apply the congruent diagonal theorem. According to the congruent diagonal theorem, if the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then the diagonals create congruent triangles. In this case, the diagonals AC and DB bisect each other, so triangle ADC and triangle BDC are congruent.

Step 7: Since triangle ADC and triangle BDC are congruent, their corresponding parts are also congruent. Therefore, AD is congruent to BC.

Step 8: By definition, congruent segments are segments that have the same length. Hence, AD and BC are congruent, which means the legs of trapezoid ABCD are congruent.

Step 9: Write a statement of conclusion indicating that the legs of the given trapezoid ABCD are congruent based on the given information and the logical steps you followed in the proof.

Remember, when proving geometric statements, it is crucial to provide clear reasoning and logical steps to support your conclusion.