What does resist means when you resist people who might prevent you from accomplishing your goals???????????

A good student would look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary!!!!!

Wow I'm sorry I just did!!!!!

Does it means stand against??????


So I write

I agree because some people could say your not going to do this or your not to make that and resisting it is good because if you believe in yourself you will acdieve your goals.

Is that correct????? and is it good (like is there any grammar mistakes).

I see four grammatical mistakes. You find them. I will not.

Then good-bye I'll do this tommrrow with my teacher. Because I'm not going to waste not doing this I need some sleep, I have school tommrrow.


When you resist people who might prevent you from accomplishing your goals, you are essentially refusing to let them stop or hinder your progress. To resist means to oppose or withstand something or someone, in this case, someone who is trying to interfere with or obstruct your achievement of your objectives.

If you encounter individuals who are standing in the way of your goals, you can consider taking the following steps to resist their interference:

1. Define your goals: Clearly define what you intend to accomplish. Knowing your goals will help you stay focused and determined.

2. Stay confident: Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Confidence plays a significant role in resisting negative influences.

3. Stay positive: Adopt a positive mindset to counterbalance the negative energy that may come from people who try to prevent you from reaching your goals.

4. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with those who are trying to hinder your progress. Communicate your expectations firmly and assertively.

5. Seek support: Surround yourself with a network of supportive individuals who believe in you and can provide encouragement during challenging times.

6. Maintain perseverance: Keep pushing forward even when faced with obstacles or discouragement. Persistence and determination are essential in resisting any potential hindrances.

Remember, the act of resisting doesn't have to be confrontational or aggressive. It signifies maintaining one's resolve and refusing to let others prevent or undermine personal growth and achievement.