Explain how to use a hundred chart to subtract?

By 10s

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Explain how to use a hundred chart to subtract.

To use a hundred chart for subtraction, follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept: A hundred chart is a grid with numbers from 1 to 100. It helps visually represent numbers and can be used to perform various mathematical operations, including subtraction.

2. Identify the numbers: Determine the two numbers you need to subtract. For example, if you want to subtract 25 from 67, write down these numbers.

3. Locate the starting number: Find the first number (67 in our example) on the hundred chart. Look for it in the chart by scanning the rows and columns until you find the corresponding number.

4. Mark the starting number: Once you've found the starting number, place a small dot or mark on it to indicate your starting point for subtraction. This will help you keep track of the operation.

5. Count backward: Move backward from the starting number by the value you want to subtract (25 in our example). Count the squares or cells on the chart, going vertically or horizontally, to reach the result.

6. Read the answer: The square or cell you land on after counting backward represents the result of the subtraction. In our example, counting 25 cells back from 67 would land us on 42.

By following these steps, you can effectively use a hundred chart to subtract two numbers.