
Teacher marked wrong why

Sam and Sally want to buy candy.

Only other choice could have Sam and Sally wants to buy candy.

Ms. Sue already answered you.

It seems you might be asking why a teacher marked a sentence as incorrect. Without more context or information, it can be challenging to provide a definitive answer. However, based on the given examples, there could be a couple of reasons why the teacher marked the sentence as wrong.

First, the phrase "Sam and Sally wants to buy candy" contains a subject-verb disagreement. The subject "Sam and Sally" is plural, so the corresponding verb should also be plural. In this case, the correct verb form should be "want" instead of "wants." Therefore, the sentence should be revised to "Sam and Sally want to buy candy."

However, this correction assumes that "wants" was intended as the verb form of "want." If there is another reason why the sentence was marked as incorrect, please provide more context for further analysis.