What is the normal maximum amount of negative "g" forces allowed for a roller coaster ride?

Recent legislation limits g forces to 6 g's on roller coasters, for safety reasons. It makes no difference if it "negative" (up), down or sideways.

See http://www.iaapa.org/industry/funworld/2003/Mar03/Features/G%20Forces/G%20Forces.html

This is not an answer that can be derived using physics alone. It was established by committee and legislated.

The normal maximum amount of negative "g" forces allowed for a roller coaster ride depends on various factors and can vary from ride to ride.

To determine the normal maximum amount of negative "g" forces allowed for a roller coaster ride, you can follow these steps:

1. Research roller coaster safety regulations: Each country or region has specific safety regulations for amusement park rides, including roller coasters. Check the regulations set by the relevant authorities in your specific location to understand the safety standards.

2. Access roller coaster documentation: Look for official documentation that provides specifications and safety guidelines for the roller coaster in question. This may include manufacturer manuals, ride design documents, and information from amusement park operators. This documentation typically provides information about the maximum forces experienced during the ride.

3. Consult with amusement park engineers or experts: Reach out to engineers or experts who specialize in amusement park ride safety. They can provide insights into the design, engineering, and safety considerations of roller coasters and may be able to offer specific information regarding the maximum negative "g" forces permitted for a ride.

4. Attend roller coaster safety seminars or conferences: Professionals in the amusement park industry frequently gather at seminars and conferences focused on ride safety. By attending these events, you can expand your knowledge on industry standards and gain specific information about maximum negative "g" forces allowed for roller coasters.

5. Contact the amusement park directly: If you have a specific roller coaster or amusement park in mind, you can contact the park directly and inquire about the maximum negative "g" forces permitted for their rides. They might be able to provide you with the necessary information or direct you to relevant resources.

Remember, understanding the maximum negative "g" forces allowed for a roller coaster ride involves a detailed analysis of various factors, and it is always advisable to consult official documentation and safety experts for accurate information.