what is 2/100 as a percent and a decimal?

To convert 2/100 to a percent, you can multiply it by 100:

2/100 * 100 = 2%

So, 2/100 as a percent is 2%.

To convert 2/100 to a decimal, you simply divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (100):

2/100 = 0.02

So, 2/100 as a decimal is 0.02.

To find the percent representation of a number, you can simply multiply it by 100. In this case, to convert 2/100 to a percent, you need to multiply it by 100:

2/100 * 100 = 2%

So, 2/100 as a percent is 2%.

To express a fraction as a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator.

2 ÷100 = 0.02

Thus, 2/100 as a decimal is 0.02.

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I need answers now!!!!!!