Write a differential equation to model the situation given. Do not solve.

The radioactive substance neptunium-139 decays to 73.36% of its orginal amount after 24 hours. How long would it take for 43% of the original neptunium to be present? What is the half-life of neptunium-139?

It's impossible to write a d.e. from just this information. You forgot to include the fact that the rate of decay is proportional to the amount of neptunium present.

That is,

dp/dt = -kp

That was all the information provided for this problem >.< Thank you for your response! :)

To model the radioactive decay of neptunium-139, we can use a first-order linear homogeneous differential equation known as the exponential decay model. Let's denote the amount of neptunium-139 at a given time 't' as N(t).

The exponential decay model is given by the equation:

dN/dt = -k * N,

where the negative sign represents the decrease in the amount of neptunium-139 over time, 'k' is the decay constant, and N is the amount of neptunium-139 at time 't'.

To solve for 'k', let's use the information given that after 24 hours, neptunium-139 decays to 73.36% of its original amount. This means that after 24 hours, only 0.7336 * N(0) neptunium-139 remains, where N(0) represents the original amount.

Using this information, we can set up an equation:

N(24) = 0.7336 * N(0).

Substituting N(t) = N(0) * e^(-k * t) into the equation and setting t = 24, we get:

N(0) * e^(-k * 24) = 0.7336 * N(0).

Cancelling out N(0), we have:

e^(-k * 24) = 0.7336.

To find the value of 'k', we can take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation:

ln(e^(-k * 24)) = ln(0.7336).

Simplifying further, we get:

-24k = ln(0.7336).

Solving for 'k', we divide both sides by -24:

k ≈ -0.0283.

Now, we can use the equation dN/dt = -k * N to find the time it takes for 43% of the original amount to be present. Let's denote this time as 't_43', and the original amount as N(0).

Setting N(t) = 0.43 * N(0) and using the given value of 'k' in the differential equation, we have:

dN/dt = -0.0283 * N.

Substituting N(t) = N(0) * e^(-0.0283 * t) and dN/dt = -0.0283 * N, we can rewrite the equation as:

-0.0283 * N(0) * e^(-0.0283 * t) = -0.0283 * N(0).

Cancelling out N(0) and dividing both sides by -0.0283, we get:

e^(-0.0283 * t) = 1.

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, we have:

-0.0283 * t = 0.

Simplifying further:

t = 0.

Therefore, t_43 = 0, which implies that 43% of the original neptunium-139 would be present immediately.

Finally, to determine the half-life of neptunium-139, we need to find the time it takes for the amount of neptunium-139 to reduce to half of its original amount (N(0)/2).

Using the same differential equation, we set N(t) = N(0)/2:

-0.0283 * N(0) * e^(-0.0283 * t) = -0.0283 * N(0)/2.

Cancelling out N(0) and dividing both sides by -0.0283, we have:

e^(-0.0283 * t) = 0.5.

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, we get:

-0.0283 * t = ln(0.5).

Simplifying further:

t = ln(0.5) / -0.0283.

Using a calculator, we can find that the half-life of neptunium-139 is approximately 24.45 hours.