The fusion of nuclei requires

1. slow moving (thermal) neutrons

2. a critical mass

3. heavy nuclei

4. plasma at extremely high temperatures

I have another question that I do not have the answer in the back of my book. I need help.
THank you

To determine the correct answer to your question, we need to understand the process of nuclear fusion and the conditions required for it to occur.

Nuclear fusion is the process by which two atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. This process occurs in stars like the Sun and is considered a potential source of clean, abundant energy here on Earth.

Now, let's analyze the options given:

1. Slow moving (thermal) neutrons: Neutrons can participate in nuclear reactions, but they are typically associated with nuclear fission rather than fusion. In fusion reactions, however, high-energy particles like ions are used instead of slow-moving neutrons. So, this option is incorrect.

2. A critical mass: In nuclear fission, a critical mass is required to sustain a chain reaction. However, in nuclear fusion, a critical mass is not necessary to initiate the reaction. So, this option is also incorrect.

3. Heavy nuclei: Nuclear fusion involves the combination of light atomic nuclei rather than heavy ones. Light elements like hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium) are often used in fusion reactions. So, this option seems incorrect.

4. Plasma at extremely high temperatures: This option is correct. Nuclear fusion generally occurs at extremely high temperatures, typically in the range of millions of degrees Celsius. At such high temperatures, matter transforms into a plasma state, where atoms are stripped of their electrons, resulting in a mixture of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. In this plasma state, atomic nuclei can come close enough to undergo fusion reactions.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer to your initial question is option 4: plasma at extremely high temperatures.

Now, could you please provide the details of your second question that you need help with? I'll do my best to assist you.