there are approximately 4lb of muscle for every 5lbs of body weight of a certain animal for a 115-lb animal how much of the weight is muscle

(4/5) * 115 = ?

To find out how much of the weight of a 115-lb animal is muscle, we can use the given ratio of 4 lbs of muscle for every 5 lbs of body weight.

Step 1: Convert the given weight to pounds of muscle using the ratio.

For every 5 lbs of body weight, there are 4 lbs of muscle. So, for every 1 lb of body weight, there are (4/5) lbs of muscle.

For a 115-lb animal:
115 lbs of body weight * (4/5) lbs of muscle per 1 lb of body weight = 92 lbs of muscle.

Therefore, approximately 92 lbs of the 115-lb animal's weight is muscle.