4. Under Franklin Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy,

A. American commerce with Latin America increased, but only slightly.
B. Cordell Hull favored continued military interventions in Latin America.
C. the collective security among the nations of the Western Hemisphere declined.
[D. the Platt Amendment was rescinded.]

Agree but remember Guantanamo Bay

To determine the correct answer to this question, let's break down each option and analyze it in relation to Franklin Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy.

A. American commerce with Latin America increased, but only slightly.
To verify if this answer is correct, we need to research the impact of Franklin Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy on American commerce with Latin America. One way to do this is to look for historical sources or studies that explore the economic relations between the United States and Latin American countries during this time period. By examining the data and scholarly analysis, we can determine if American commerce with Latin America did indeed increase, albeit to a small extent.

B. Cordell Hull favored continued military interventions in Latin America.
To determine if this answer is correct, we need to investigate Cordell Hull's stance on military interventions in Latin America. This can be done by studying historical records, speeches, and correspondence involving Hull. By examining these sources, we can ascertain whether Hull supported or opposed military interventions in Latin America during the time of Franklin Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy.

C. The collective security among the nations of the Western Hemisphere declined.
To verify if this answer is correct, we can analyze historical events and diplomatic relations between the nations of the Western Hemisphere during the implementation of Franklin Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy. By studying the interactions, agreements, and security arrangements between these countries, we can determine if collective security indeed declined during this period.

D. The Platt Amendment was rescinded.
To confirm if this answer is correct, we need to investigate whether the Platt Amendment, which gave the United States certain control over Cuba, was indeed rescinded as part of Franklin Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy. This can be researched by examining official documents, governmental records, and scholarly works that focus on the policies and actions related to the Platt Amendment.

By conducting thorough research and examining historical sources related to the Good Neighbor policy, we can determine which answer option is correct.