Im having trouble finding out what the graphs would look like for these kinematic equations

b.dx=dox + voxt
c. vy=voy +gt

d. dy= doy +voyt +1/2gt^2

can someone explain to me what the graphs would look like and why?

1. Velocity in the x direction is constant and equal to the original x velocity

2. the x position is the original position + Vox T
straight line with slope Vox and x intercept of Dox

3. In the vertical direction velocity is a straight line versus time with intercept of Voy and slope of g (g is usually negative, down, gravity)

4. Dy or height is a parabola versus time = initial height Dyo + Voy t + (1/2) g t^2

wait so a is a line that goes upp

b. is a straight line across?
c. a straight line going down
d. a parabola?

a. yes, same x speed for any t

b. slopes up with slope = Vox
Dx = Vox * t + Dox looks like
x = m * t + b

c. slope g, not straight down
again of form y = m * t + b

d yes, a parabola

Sure! I can help you understand what the graphs for these kinematic equations would look like. To do this, we need to understand what each variable represents in the equations.

a) In the equation a.v = vox,
- a is the acceleration,
- v is the final velocity,
- vox is the initial velocity.

To graph this equation, you can plot the initial velocity (vox) on the y-axis and the final velocity (v) on the x-axis. The graph would be a straight line with a positive slope, indicating a constant acceleration.

b) In the equation dx = dox + voxt,
- dx is the displacement in the x-direction,
- dox is the initial displacement in the x-direction,
- v is the initial velocity in the x-direction, and
- t is time.

To graph this equation, you can plot the displacement (dx) on the y-axis and time (t) on the x-axis. The graph would be a straight line with a positive slope, indicating a constant velocity.

c) In the equation vy = voy + gt,
- vy is the final velocity in the y-direction,
- voy is the initial velocity in the y-direction,
- g is the acceleration due to gravity, and
- t is time.

To graph this equation, you can plot the initial velocity (voy) on the y-axis and the final velocity (vy) on the x-axis. The graph would be a straight line with a positive slope, indicating a constant acceleration.

d) In the equation dy = doy + voyt + 1/2gt^2,
- dy is the displacement in the y-direction,
- doy is the initial displacement in the y-direction,
- voy is the initial velocity in the y-direction,
- t is time, and
- g is the acceleration due to gravity.

To graph this equation, you can plot the displacement (dy) on the y-axis and time (t) on the x-axis. The graph would be a parabolic curve, opening upward, indicating a constant acceleration due to gravity.

I hope this helps you understand what the graphs would look like for these kinematic equations!