Thank you very much!

Here are a few other sentences I need you to check.

1) Whales are marine mammals who use a method termed echolocation to communicate with each other (or one another?) . This method consists in producing sounds which are very similar to the songs composed by humans.
2) Echolocation also helps the whales to detect an object which is miles away determining its size, shape, distance and direction.
3) The sound waves bounce off (I need a synonym) the object and are subsequently received by the whale.
4) Wolves do not only roam the Pyrenees but they have also been found on farmers’ land where they pose a threat to sheep. (I can’t understand the word order with “not only” “but also”).
Is it wrong to say "They not only roam the ..."
5) Grizzly bears are ferocious and strike fear into people’s hearts; what’s more/besides (are they both possible?), they increasingly come into towns looking for food.

1) Whales are marine mammals which use a method called echolocation to communicate with each other. This method consists of producing sounds which are very similar to the songs composed by humans.

2) Echolocation also helps whales to detect an object which is miles away, determining its size, shape, distance, and direction.

3) The sound waves reverberate and are subsequently received by the whale.

4) Wolves not only roam the Pyrenees, but they also have been found on farmers’ land where they pose a threat to sheep.

5) Grizzly bears are ferocious and strike fear into people’s hearts. In addition, they increasingly come into towns looking for food.
("In addition" can be replaced by any of these: "furthermore" or "what's more," or simply "also."

1) Whales are marine mammals that use a method called echolocation to communicate with each other. This method involves producing sounds similar to human songs.

To determine whether it's "each other" or "one another," you can consider the context of the sentence. If the emphasis is on the communication between individual whales, you can use "each other." If the emphasis is on the collective communication within a group of whales, you can use "one another."

2) Echolocation also helps whales detect objects that are miles away, allowing them to determine the size, shape, distance, and direction of the object.

3) Instead of using "bounce off," you can use synonyms like "reflect off," "rebound from," or "ricochet off" to describe the behavior of sound waves when they hit an object and return to the whale.

4) Wolves not only roam the Pyrenees, but they have also been found on farmers' land where they pose a threat to sheep. In the structure "not only...but also," it is grammatically correct to say "Wolves not only roam... but also." This construction emphasizes the idea that wolves have multiple actions or characteristics, in this case, roaming the Pyrenees and being found on farmers' land.

5) Grizzly bears are ferocious and strike fear into people's hearts. What's more, or besides (both are possible), they increasingly come into towns looking for food. Both "what's more" and "besides" are suitable to connect the two ideas in the sentence and indicate additional information about grizzly bears.