For each sentence in the paragraph, discuss the social influence factors that were most likely in operation.

Alvin Reid, a well-dressed and ‘business-like’ man, steps into the classroom while Ms. Ramkissoon is about to start her lecture. ---- authority

He politely asks to speak with the students. ---- consistency and commitment (going to rely on the fact that ms. ramkissoon is usually a polite person so she wud be more willing to comply in order to be consistent

Without asking him exactly what he wanted to ask them, she agrees because this is a small request, and he did ask permission. ---- Foot in door technique

He goes on to ask students for a donation to a man who is ill and in the hospital. ----- social validation

His speech included medical information on the illness. --- Expert (persuasion thing)

He brought with him some documents from the hospital and also stated that the Campus Registrar sent him to each classroom. ---- authority??

He spoke intelligently. --- Expert

When asking for the donations he said ‘a small sum’ or ‘whatever you can afford’. --- legitimization of paltry favours

At first students were hesitant to give him a donation, but as one person did so, more and more students gave him money.” --- social validation

Tell me if i'm right or wrong and the reasoning behind it! plz!

Your analysis of the social influence factors at play in each sentence is mostly correct. Here is the breakdown:

1. Alvin Reid, a well-dressed and 'business-like' man, steps into the classroom while Ms. Ramkissoon is about to start her lecture.
- Social influence factor: Authority
- Reasoning: Alvin Reid's appearance suggests authority or credibility, which may influence Ms. Ramkissoon and the students to perceive him as someone with knowledge or expertise.

2. He politely asks to speak with the students.
- Social influence factor: Consistency and commitment
- Reasoning: Ms. Ramkissoon may be more willing to comply with Alvin Reid's request because it aligns with her usual polite behavior and can be seen as a small commitment to hearing him out.

3. Without asking him exactly what he wanted to ask them, she agrees because this is a small request, and he did ask permission.
- Social influence factor: Foot-in-the-door technique
- Reasoning: By agreeing to let Alvin Reid speak without knowing the specifics, Ms. Ramkissoon makes a small initial commitment. This technique is often used to increase compliance later on when a larger request is made.

4. He goes on to ask students for a donation to a man who is ill and in the hospital.
- Social influence factor: Social validation
- Reasoning: Alvin Reid's appeal for donations invokes social validation by presenting a situation where others, presumably, have already donated or might be expected to donate.

5. His speech included medical information on the illness.
- Social influence factor: Expertise
- Reasoning: By providing medical information, Alvin Reid positions himself as an expert, potentially influencing students to trust his judgment and comply with his request.

6. He brought with him some documents from the hospital and also stated that the Campus Registrar sent him to each classroom.
- Social influence factor: Authority
- Reasoning: Alvin Reid's use of documents from the hospital and claiming that the Campus Registrar authorized him adds to his perceived authority and credibility.

7. He spoke intelligently.
- Social influence factor: Expertise
- Reasoning: Alvin Reid's intelligent speech further establishes him as someone with knowledge or expertise, increasing his persuasive influence on the students.

8. When asking for the donations, he said 'a small sum' or 'whatever you can afford'.
- Social influence factor: Legitimization of paltry favors
- Reasoning: By using phrases like 'a small sum' or 'whatever you can afford,' Alvin Reid presents the act of donating as a small favor, making it easier for students to justify giving money.

9. At first, students were hesitant to give him a donation, but as one person did so, more and more students gave him money.
- Social influence factor: Social validation
- Reasoning: As students observe someone else giving a donation, it provides social validation and increases the likelihood of others following suit.

Overall, you have accurately identified the social influence factors at play in each sentence. Good job!