make a confidence statement about the percent of all 620 adults whose support of baseball was affected by the players strike

To make a confidence statement about the percent of all 620 adults whose support of baseball was affected by the players' strike, you would need to conduct a survey or study among a representative sample of those 620 adults. Here are the steps you could take to gather the necessary data and provide a confidence statement:

1. Determine the sample size: Decide on the number of adults from the total population of 620 that you will include in your survey. A larger sample size generally leads to more accurate results, but it could also be more time-consuming and costly.

2. Randomly select the sample: To ensure representativeness, use a random sampling method that gives every adult in the population an equal chance of being selected. This can be done by using a random number generator or assigning numbers to each adult and selecting sample members accordingly.

3. Develop a survey questionnaire: Create a set of questions to measure the impact of the players' strike on the adults' support for baseball. Consider using a Likert scale or multiple-choice questions to gather standardized data.

4. Collect data: Administer the survey to the selected sample members and collect their responses. This could be done through online surveys, phone interviews, or face-to-face interactions.

5. Analyze the data: Calculate the percentage of respondents whose support for baseball was affected by the players' strike based on their survey responses. This can be done by dividing the number of respondents whose support was affected by the strike by the total sample size and multiplying by 100.

6. Determine the confidence interval: Calculate the confidence interval, which provides a range in which the true percentage of all 620 adults whose support was affected by the strike is likely to fall. This can be done using statistical software or formulas specific to confidence interval calculations.

7. Report the confidence statement: Finally, you can make a confidence statement by stating the estimated percentage of all adults whose support for baseball was affected by the players' strike, along with the confidence interval. For example, "Based on a study conducted among a random sample of 200 adults, it is estimated that 45% of all 620 adults had their support of baseball affected by the players' strike, with a 95% confidence interval of 40% to 50%."

Remember, conducting a representative survey is crucial for obtaining reliable results. Additionally, the confidence statement's accuracy is directly influenced by factors like sample size and the representativeness of the sample.