The roots of the equation 4x^2+4x-5 = 0 can be written in the form x = -1+-*SqrtA/2

The value of A is, how exactly do I do this?

the A part is b^2 - 4ac

which is 16 -4(4)(-5) = 96
A = 96

Actually, x = (-4 ± √96)/8

= (-1 ± √6)/2

so, A=6

To find the value of A in the equation 4x^2 + 4x - 5 = 0, you can compare it to the general quadratic equation form ax^2 + bx + c = 0. In this case, a = 4, b = 4, and c = -5.

The formula to solve for the roots of a quadratic equation is x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a). By comparing this with the given form x = -1 ± √A/2, you can see that the value inside the square root, b^2 - 4ac, is equal to A/4 and a = 4.

Therefore, you have A/4 = b^2 - 4ac = 4^2 - 4(4)(-5) = 16 + 80 = 96.

To find the value of A, multiply both sides of the equation A/4 = 96 by 4, which gives you A = 384.

So, the value of A in the equation is 384.