A uniformrodofmass2kgandlength1mis supportedby a frictionlesspivot 25 cm down fromthetop,asshown.A smallballof mass 0.5 kg strikesthe stationaryrod horizontallyat 2 m/sandsticks. Astherodswings,whatisthe maximumanglee in degreesthatit makeswith the vertical?

To find the maximum angle that the rod makes with the vertical, we can apply the principle of conservation of angular momentum.

The initial angular momentum before the collision is zero since the rod is stationary. After the collision, the small ball sticks to the rod and starts rotating together.

The angular momentum of the system is given by the product of the moment of inertia and the angular velocity. The moment of inertia of the rod can be calculated using the formula:

I_rod = (1/3) * m * L^2,

where m is the mass of the rod and L is the length of the rod. Plugging in the values, we get:

I_rod = (1/3) * 2 kg * (1 m)^2 = 2/3 kg*m^2.

The moment of inertia of the ball can be neglected since it is small compared to the rod.

The angular momentum after the collision can be calculated using the formula:

L = I_tot * ω,

where I_tot is the total moment of inertia of the system and ω is the angular velocity.

Since the ball sticks to the rod, the total moment of inertia is the sum of the rod's moment of inertia and the moment of inertia of the ball, which can be neglected:

I_tot = I_rod.

Initially, the ball has a linear velocity of 2 m/s and sticks to the rod at a distance of 25 cm from the pivot. The angular velocity ω can be calculated using the formula:

ω = v_perpendicular / r,

where v_perpendicular is the linear velocity perpendicular to the pivot point and r is the distance from the pivot to the point of contact.

Since the ball strikes the rod horizontally, the perpendicular velocity is the same as the initial linear velocity: 2 m/s. The distance from the pivot to the point of contact is 25 cm, which is 0.25 m. Plugging in the values, we get:

ω = 2 m/s / 0.25 m = 8 rad/s.

Now, we can calculate the angular momentum after the collision:

L = I_rod * ω = (2/3 kg*m^2) * (8 rad/s) = 16/3 kg*m^2/s.

In order to maximize the angle, the angular momentum should remain constant throughout the motion. This means that the final angular velocity will be at its maximum value when the rod is vertical.

At the maximum angle, the potential energy of the system is maximum, and the total energy is conserved. This means that the kinetic energy of the system will be zero.

The kinetic energy of the system can be calculated using the formula:

K = (1/2) * I_tot * ω^2,

where K is the kinetic energy, I_tot is the total moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity.

Setting K to zero and solving for ω, we get:

0 = (1/2) * I_tot * ω_max^2.

Substituting I_tot = I_rod, we get:

0 = (1/2) * (2/3 kg*m^2) * ω_max^2.

Simplifying, we find:

0 = (1/3) * ω_max^2.

This equation suggests that ω_max^2 = 0, and therefore ω_max = 0.

Since the maximum angle is achieved when the rod is vertical, the angular velocity is zero. Therefore, the maximum angle that the rod makes with the vertical is 90 degrees or π/2 radians.

In summary, the maximum angle that the rod makes with the vertical is 90 degrees or π/2 radians when the small ball strikes the stationary rod horizontally at 2 m/s and sticks.