In relation to society’s prevailing values in the 1950s, most teens tended to be:

1. supportive

2. critical

3. uncaring

4. defiant

5. uncertain

All I know that they were showing a lot of criminal behaviour.
I found the meaning of these words but they are not helping.. someone help me connect the dots. which word is best?

In the 1950's???

Best research some more!

Most teens in the 50s tended to be complacent and accepting of their parents values.

Which would be supportive?

But was that not the era of rock n roll?

Each generation has its own minor rebellions -- in the form of popular music and clothing fashions.

To determine which word best describes how most teens in the 1950s related to society's prevailing values, we can analyze the information you provided and consider the options given. You mentioned that they were showing a lot of criminal behavior, which suggests that they may not have been supportive or uncaring towards those values.

Out of the remaining options, "critical" and "defiant" seem to be the most relevant. "Critical" means expressing disapproval or disagreement, while "defiant" means showing resistance or disobedience. These two words imply a challenging attitude towards prevailing values.

Considering the context of the 1950s, when there were social, cultural, and political changes occurring, it is reasonable to assume that most teens would have been more critical or defiant towards the prevailing values of that time.

Therefore, out of the given options, the word that best describes most teens' attitude towards society's prevailing values in the 1950s would be "defiant."