I corrected my grammar errors from my last post. Don't bother checking to see if I got it right or not.

My two body paragraphs seems to be a bit long. First idea is his jobs as a reporter/writer for newspapers and magazines. Second idea is his literary influences.
Any suggestions on where I should break it apart for each paragraph? I don't know how should I break apart for the the first idea. I was thinking for the second idea that I make separate paragraphs for each influence. I don't know would it be better or not.

Finally any last comments about my essay need improving. I would really appreciate it if you can.

Ernest Hemingway was a great writer who influenced many writers through his stories and novels. His greatest goal was to become the best writer. His fictions were focused on his personal life experience. The stream of events in his life experience can be reflected in his writing. Hemingway once stated that "the writer's job is to tell the truth." He wanted his writing "to get the feeling of actual life across--not just to depict life or criticize it--but to actually make it alive." If he can make his characters true enough they would mean many things. Thanks to his many careers as a writer for newspapers and magazines he was able to find the truth in his writing. During his quest for truth he had many leading writers who helped him enhance his ability as a writer. Ernest Hemingway gained experience writing through newspaper journalism and furthered his literary education through his many literary influences.

Ernest Hemingway developed his writing through working as a reporter and journalist in newspapers and magazines. He contributed in writing stories for the school newspaper, The Trapeze, and its literary magazine, Tabula. He contributed three stories during his junior year and during that time it revealed his early interest in violent death and suicide. Hemingway had written 24 articles for The Trapeze between November 1916 and May 1917. The quality of his work was not exceptional. Although the work he submitted wasn't all that great, he gained experience that would help prepare him for his first job after graduating from high school. He took up the job as a cub reporter after high school with the Kansas City Star, one of the leading newspapers in America during that time period. He was given advice from first-rate journalistic professionals. Hemingway had to make his writing meet specific standard requirements with the Kansas City Star style sheet. The reporters had to avoid adjectives, use short sentences, brief paragraphs, vigorous English, and fresh phrases. This style of writing became the permanent influence in Hemingway's own style as a fiction writer. Hemingway covered the police station and the city hospital, and interviewed victims of accidents and violent crimes. By the end of April 1918, Hemingway left the Kansas City Star to join an American Red Cross ambulance unit in World War I. After his return from the war he worked very hard as a writer. He tried to follow a formula to sell his stories to any mass-market magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post. In the end the stories he submitted were in vain. His work was rejected because he couldn't find his own narrative voice or his own material. In January 1920, Hemingway left for Toronto and became a freelancer for the Toronto Star. After his marriage with Hadley Richardson he worked in Paris as a correspondent for the Toronto Star. He returned to Chicago in May and worked for the Co-operative Commonwealth, a monthly magazine. In November 1922, he was in Lausanne, Switzerland covering a peace conference on a territorial dispute between Greece and Turkey. Hemingway left Paris and returned to Toronto where he became a full-time reporter with the Toronto Star. After Christmas, Hemingway resigned his position as a reporter at Toronto Star. In February 1924, he returned to France where he worked as an unpaid assistant editor for Transatlantic Review, a journal founded by Ford Madox Ford that published experimental fiction. Ford decided to go to New York to raise more money for the review. Ford wrote an announcement in the July issue that he was leaving the editorial duties to Hemingway while he was in New York. Upon Ford's return from New York he saw the contributor list for the August issue. Ford thought that Hemingway had used the opportunity to publish his American friends' work while he was gone. Hemingway felt that his criticism was unfair because he had worked so hard for the review. In January 1925, the Transatlantic Review came to an end. His days as a journalist helped him gain the experience he needed to become a fiction writer. Journalism was only part of what made him a successful writer. He also had many leading writers at that period as his literary influences.

Ernest Hemingway had many writers as his literary influences that helped him become a better writer. These influences include, Sherwood Anderson, Ezra Pound, and Gertrude Stein. In Chicago, Hemingway befriended Sherwood Anderson, an author of Whinesburg Ohio. Anderson encouraged Hemingway's writing efforts and convinced Hemingway to go to Paris because it was the place for any serious writers. Anderson's letters of introduction played a vital role for Hemingway's literary development. Anderson supplied Hemingway with letters of introduction to: Gertrude Stein, leader of the American expatriates, Sylvia Beach, owner of the English-language bookstore Shakespeare and Company, James Joyce, writer whose novel Beach was about to publish, and Ezra Pound, the influential poet. Anderson also mailed an introductory letter to Lewis Galantiere, one of his translators in France. Each of his letters praised Hemingway's extraordinary talent. Pound and Stein were important in his literary development. In February 1922, Hemingway met Ezra Pound, who was a major figure involved in the imagist movement during the period between 1909 and 1918. Pound became one of his most important literary friends. Pound was the one who helped get his early work published. Pound supervised Hemingway's literary education and recommended that he read works by T.S. Eliot and James Joyce. Pound encouraged him to delete unnecessary words and to give images meaning. Pound had submitted six of Hemingway's poems to the Dial, but the magazine editor rejected them because Pound had also submitted T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land." Pound also accepted one of his stories for the Little Review, but unfortunately the editors rejected the submission. Harriet Monroe, an editor of a Chicago little magazine, Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, accepted six of Hemingway's poems. Even though Pound's editorial influence on his work wasn't as great compared to Eliot's, it was responsible for promoting his reputation and helped shape his career. In March 1922, Hemingway met Gertrude Stein. Stein pointed out that his novel contained too much description, and not particularly good description. She also pointed out that the heartless seduction scene in "Up in Michigan" made the story not suitable to be published. Stein told Hemingway to "Begin over again and concentrate." Hemingway observed Stein's style of writing. Her writing was full of repeated words, phrases which consisted of a preposition and its object, and present participles. He credited Stein for helping him to understand prose rhythms. Hemingway said that he had learned how to write as much from painters as from other writers. He had studied paintings by Henri Matisse, Georges Braque, Juan Gris, Pablo Piasco, and Paul Cézanne. These are the painters that he admired because of their ability to capture the landscape. Paul Cézanne was his most favorite painter out of all of his other admired painters. In the ending of "Big Two-Hearted River" Nick Adams says that he wanted to write the way Cézanne painted. When Hemingway returned to France, Pound introduced him to Ford Madox Ford at his studio and Ford hired him as his assistant editor for the Transatlantic Review. His literary influences helped develop his path as a writer.

Ernest Hemingway became a successful writer through experience he gained from newspaper journalism and furthered development from his many literary influences. His many careers as a writer for newspapers and magazines helped fulfill his quest for truth. Hemingway observed and learned a different style of writing through leading writers of the time he had met in Paris. He used the knowledge he had gained in his writing. Without the help from his literary influences he wouldn't be the Ernest Hemingway whose stories and novels influenced generation of writers.

Please and Thank you

In order to break apart your two body paragraphs, you can consider the following structure:

Paragraph 1:
- Introduction sentence about Hemingway's career as a reporter/writer for newspapers and magazines.
- Discuss his early experiences with writing for school newspaper and literary magazine.
- Talk about his first job as a cub reporter with the Kansas City Star.
- Highlight the advice he received from journalistic professionals and the impact it had on his writing style.
- Mention his coverage of the police station and city hospital, and his interviews with victims of accidents and violent crimes.
- Conclude with his departure for World War I and the subsequent freelance work he did as a correspondent.

Paragraph 2:
- Introduction sentence about Hemingway's literary influences.
- Discuss his friendship with Sherwood Anderson and the role he played in encouraging Hemingway's writing.
- Talk about the important figures in Paris that Anderson introduced Hemingway to, including Gertrude Stein, Sylvia Beach, James Joyce, and Ezra Pound.
- Focus on Pound's influence in getting Hemingway's early work published and his guidance in literary education.
- Mention Stein's critiques of Hemingway's writing and the lessons he learned from observing her style.
- Touch on Hemingway's admiration and study of paintings by artists such as Matisse, Braque, Gris, Piasco, and Cézanne.
- Conclude with the role these literary influences played in Hemingway's development as a writer.

As for the improvements to your essay, here are a few suggestions:

1. Clarify your thesis statement: Your introduction could benefit from a clear and concise thesis statement that directly addresses the main idea of your essay. This will help guide your reader throughout the essay.

2. Organization and transitions: Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and flows smoothly into the next. Consider using transitional phrases or words to connect your ideas and ensure a logical progression of thoughts.

3. Provide specific examples: While you have provided some specific details, try to include more examples and evidence to support your ideas. This will help make your essay more engaging and convincing.

4. Proofread for grammar and punctuation errors: Though you mentioned correcting grammar errors, it is always a good idea to proofread your work once again to ensure there are no lingering mistakes.

Overall, your essay provides a good foundation, but expanding on your ideas with more specific examples and improving the clarity and flow of your writing will make it even stronger.

To break your two body paragraphs into more manageable paragraphs, you can follow these suggestions:

Body Paragraph 1:
1. Introduce the idea of Hemingway's jobs as a reporter/writer for newspapers and magazines.
2. Discuss his early writing experiences, such as his contributions to The Trapeze and Tabula.
3. Mention his work at the Kansas City Star and the advice he received from journalistic professionals.
4. Detail his experiences covering the police station, city hospital, and interviewing victims of accidents and crimes.
5. Discuss Hemingway's unsuccessful attempts to sell his stories to mass-market magazines and his freelance work for the Toronto Star and Co-operative Commonwealth.
6. Talk about his time as an assistant editor for Transatlantic Review.
7. Summarize the impact of his journalism career on his development as a fiction writer.

Body Paragraph 2:
1. Introduce the idea of Hemingway's literary influences.
2. Discuss his friendship with Sherwood Anderson and Anderson's role in Hemingway's move to Paris.
3. Talk about the letters of introduction Anderson provided to Gertrude Stein, Sylvia Beach, James Joyce, Ezra Pound, and Lewis Galantiere.
4. Discuss Pound's influence on Hemingway's early work and his introduction to T.S. Eliot and James Joyce.
5. Mention Stein's critique of Hemingway's writing style and her impact on his understanding of prose rhythms.
6. Discuss Hemingway's study of painters such as Matisse, Braque, Gris, Piasco, and Cézanne, with a focus on Cézanne.
7. Mention Pound's introduction of Hemingway to Ford Madox Ford and his role in Hemingway's work with the Transatlantic Review.
8. Summarize the significance of Hemingway's literary influences on his development as a writer.

As for your essay overall, here are some suggestions for improvement:

1. Consider rephrasing the sentence "His fictions were focused on his personal life experience" to make it clearer and more concise. You can say something like "His fiction was heavily influenced by his personal life experiences."

2. Double-check your use of punctuation and capitalization, as there are a few instances where errors can be corrected.

3. Be mindful of maintaining a consistent tense throughout your essay. Some parts are in the present tense, while others are in the past tense.

4. Make sure your paragraphs are logically organized and flow smoothly. You may consider rearranging some sentences or ideas for better cohesion.

5. Consider incorporating more specific examples or evidence to support your claims and add depth to your analysis.

6. Check for any repetitive sentences or phrases and rephrase them to avoid redundancy.

7. Lastly, proofread your essay for any grammatical or spelling errors.

Overall, you have provided a comprehensive discussion of Hemingway's career as a writer and his literary influences. With some refinements and improvements, your essay will be well-rounded and informative.