Factor completely. Assume that variables in exponents represent positive integers.


(x√a + y)(x√a - y)

Did you mean for that "a" to be there?

yes there's an a

To factor completely the expression x^(2a) - y^(2), we need to identify a difference of squares.

A difference of squares is a special case of factoring that occurs when we have the difference of two perfect squares.

In this case, we have x^(2a) - y^(2), which can be rewritten as (x^(a))^2 - (y)^2.

Using the formula for the difference of squares, we can factor it as follows:

(x^(a))^2 - (y)^2 = (x^a + y)(x^a - y)

Therefore, the expression x^(2a) - y^(2) factors completely as (x^a + y)(x^a - y).

To factor completely, we need to express the given expression in the form of a product of simpler expressions. Let's factorize the expression x^2a - y^2.

In this case, we have a difference of squares, which can be factored using the formula (a^2 - b^2) = (a + b)(a - b).

Using this formula, we can rewrite the expression:

x^2a - y^2 = (x^a)^2 - y^2

Now, we have a^2 = (x^a)^2 and b^2 = y^2.

So, applying the formula, we get:

(x^a)^2 - y^2 = (x^a + y)(x^a - y)

Therefore, the completely factored form of the expression x^2a - y^2 is (x^a + y)(x^a - y).