Deminsional analysis

4.25L/h to mL/

To convert a rate from liters per hour (L/h) to milliliters per hour (mL/h), you need to multiply the given rate by a conversion factor.

The conversion factor you can use is 1 L = 1000 mL.

Here's how you can convert 4.25 L/h to mL/h:

Step 1: Write down the given rate: 4.25 L/h.
Step 2: Multiply the rate by the conversion factor.
(4.25 L/h) * (1000 mL/1 L)
Step 3: Cancel out the units. The L will cancel each other out, leaving only mL.
Step 4: Calculate the result.
4.25 L/h * 1000 mL/1 L = 4250 mL/h.

Therefore, 4.25 L/h is equivalent to 4250 mL/h.