What is the mass pecent of an aqueous sodium hydroxide in which the mole fraction of NaOH is 0.162? The density of the solution is 1.3311 g/ mL

If we take 1 mole of solution, it will contain 0.162 mol NaOH and 1.00-0.162 = 0.838 mol H2O.

Convert 0.162 mole NaOH to grams.
Convert 0.838 mol H2O to grams.
mass percent = (g solute/total grams soln)*100 = ?
I don't think you need the density of the solution.

8.38% thank you very much

To find the mass percent of an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, you need to determine the mass of NaOH and the mass of the solution.

First, let's calculate the mass of NaOH in the solution. To do this, we need to know the molar mass of NaOH, which is 22.99 g/mol for sodium (Na), plus 16.00 g/mol for oxygen (O), and 1.01 g/mol for hydrogen (H). Therefore, the molar mass of NaOH is 22.99 + 16.00 + 1.01 = 40.00 g/mol.

Next, let's calculate the mass of the solution. We are given that the density of the solution is 1.3311 g/mL. Since we don't know the volume of the solution, we cannot directly calculate its mass. However, we can assume we have 1 L of the solution (which is equivalent to 1000 mL). Therefore, the mass of the solution is 1.3311 g/mL * 1000 mL = 1331.1 g.

Now, we can calculate the mass percent of NaOH in the solution. The mole fraction of NaOH is given as 0.162. The mole fraction of NaOH is a ratio of the moles of NaOH to the total moles of all components in the solution. So, we can calculate the moles of NaOH as follows:

moles of NaOH = mole fraction of NaOH * total moles of solution

Since the mole fraction of NaOH is 0.162 and we have assumed 1 L of solution, the total moles of the solution is equal to its molarity. We can calculate the molarity as:

molarity (mol/L) = mass of NaOH (g) / molar mass of NaOH (g/mol)

From the given mole fraction, we find that the moles of NaOH in 1 L of the solution is 0.162 mol.

Now, we can calculate the mass of NaOH in the solution as follows:

mass of NaOH = moles of NaOH * molar mass of NaOH

By substituting the values, we get:

mass of NaOH = 0.162 mol * 40.00 g/mol = 6.48 g

Finally, we can calculate the mass percent of NaOH in the solution using the following formula:

mass percent = (mass of NaOH / mass of solution) * 100

Substituting the values, we get:

mass percent = (6.48 g / 1331.1 g) * 100 ≈ 0.486%

Therefore, the mass percent of the aqueous sodium hydroxide solution is approximately 0.486%.