use the percent equation to answer the following.

solve the percent equation for h

percent equation is a/b=p/100

There is no "h" in your equation.

thanks, my typing let me down it should be solve for b

To solve the percent equation for "h," we need to rearrange the equation and isolate "h" in terms of "a," "b," and "p."

The percent equation is given as: a/b = p/100

To isolate "h," we'll use cross-multiplication. We multiply "b" and "p" together on one side and multiply "a" and 100 together on the other side. Then we divide by "b" to solve for "h." Here are the steps:

Step 1: Cross-multiply
100 * a = p * b

Step 2: Divide by "b"
h = (100 * a) / b

Therefore, the solution for "h" in the percent equation is: h = (100 * a) / b

Remember to plug in the appropriate values for "a," "b," and "p" to find the numerical value of "h."