A family member recently found out her child's blood group was AB+ yet hers is O+.

i'm suppose to explain this oddity but i don't know how? so please help me!!!


Answered below

it is a recessive gene

Sure! I can help explain this oddity to you. Understanding blood types and how they are inherited can be helpful in explaining this situation.

There are four major blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Each type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens (proteins) on the surface of red blood cells. The Rh factor, denoted by a positive (+) or negative (-) sign, is another important blood group system.

In the case you mentioned, the family member has blood type O+ (O positive), which means they have blood type O and also carry the Rh factor. On the other hand, their child has blood type AB+ (AB positive), which means the child has blood type AB and also carries the Rh factor.

To explain this oddity, we need to understand the inheritance patterns of blood types and the Rh factor. Blood type is determined by genes inherited from both parents. Each person has two copies of the gene responsible for blood type, one inherited from each parent.

The O blood type is considered recessive, meaning it is only expressed when both copies of the gene are O. The A and B blood types are dominant, meaning they are expressed even if only one copy of the gene is A or B.

In terms of compatibility, individuals with blood type O can donate blood to people with any blood type, making it the universal donor. On the other hand, individuals with blood type AB can receive blood from any type, making it the universal recipient.

Considering this information, we can deduce that the family member must have one O blood type gene and one A or B blood type gene. If their partner also carries an A or B blood type gene, it's possible for them to have a child with blood type AB, as the child inherits one A or B gene from each parent. The Rh factor is inherited independently of blood type, so it can be present or absent regardless of blood type.

It's important to note that blood type inheritance can sometimes be more complicated due to multiple alleles and other factors. However, the explanation provided here should give you a basic understanding of how this oddity in blood types could occur in your family member's situation.