in triangle FSH, angle f is 58 degrees and angle s is 64 degrees. in triangle LVQ, angle v is 64 degrees and angle q is 48 degrees are the two triangles similar?

No. Corresponding angles are not equal:



To determine if two triangles are similar, we need to compare the measures of their corresponding angles. If all corresponding angles are congruent, then the triangles are similar.

In triangle FSH, we are given angle f = 58 degrees and angle s = 64 degrees.
In triangle LVQ, we are given angle v = 64 degrees and angle q = 48 degrees.

For the two triangles to be similar, their corresponding angles must be congruent. Let's compare the angles:

Angle f in triangle FSH corresponds to angle v in triangle LVQ.
Angle s in triangle FSH corresponds to angle q in triangle LVQ.

We see that angle v = 64 degrees, which is the same as angle f in triangle FSH.
However, angle q = 48 degrees, which is different from angle s in triangle FSH.

Since the corresponding angles do not match, we can conclude that the two triangles, FSH and LVQ, are not similar.