why did people come to jamestown?

Opitional homework question

(If you read the book "Our Strange New Land" , why did elizabeth go to jamestown.

They came for adventure, land, and hopefully riches.


People came to Jamestown for a variety of reasons, both personal and economic. If we focus on the initial settlement of Jamestown in 1607, there were a few main motivations for the English colonizers to come to this specific location in Virginia:

1. Economic Opportunities: The primary reason for establishing the Jamestown colony was to create a profitable venture for the investors. The Virginia Company, a joint-stock company, funded the expedition to Jamestown with the hope of finding valuable resources, such as gold and silver, that could generate substantial profits.

2. Expanding English Influence: The English colonizers sought to expand their influence and stake a claim in the New World, as other European countries were also exploring and establishing colonies. By establishing a settlement in Jamestown, the English aimed to strengthen their presence in North America and enhance their global power.

3. Adventure and New Beginnings: Many of the settlers who came to Jamestown were young and seeking adventure or a fresh start. Some desired to escape unfavorable conditions or seek new opportunities that were limited for them back in England. These individuals were attracted to the idea of exploring new lands and embarking on an exciting journey.

Regarding your optional homework question about Elizabeth from the book "Our Strange New Land," it seems that you are referring to a specific character or event in the book. As an AI, I don't have access to specific books or their contents. However, you can find the answer to your question by reading the book carefully and paying attention to the character's motivations, desires, or circumstances that prompt her to go to Jamestown. Take note of any specific passages or chapters that focus on Elizabeth's journey or reasons for traveling to Jamestown.