Please guide me in the right direction, am so confused with this problem.

A pendulum of length L is caused to swing by releasing it at an initial angle theta0 from the vertical. Because of air drag and friction in the mounting, the pendulum will eventually stop swinging. The equation of motion for the pendulum is given by the equation

In this relation,  represents the angle of the pendulum with respect to vertical at any time t,  is a damping coefficient, g is gravitational acceleration, and L is the length of the pendulum.
We want to study the effect of the damping coefficient, which models the effect of friction on the pendulum motion. Create plots of  versus t for three different values of the damping coefficient. Put all three plots on the same graph. Choose values of  that give distinctly different behaviors. (You will need to experiment to do this.) Use values of 0 = 10º and L = 2 ft. Note that  must have units of inverse time for the equation to be dimensionally consistent.

To create plots of θ versus t for different values of the damping coefficient, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose values for the damping coefficient (α) that give distinctly different behaviors. This is where you will need to experiment and try different values. For example, you could try α = 0.1, α = 0.5, and α = 1.0.

2. Convert the initial angle θ0 from degrees to radians. Since the equation uses radians, you need to convert the angle. Use the formula θ (in radians) = θ0 (in degrees) * π / 180.

3. Use the given values for length (L) and initial angle (θ0), which are L = 2 ft and θ0 = 10º.

4. Determine the gravitational acceleration (g) value. The standard value for g is approximately 9.8 m/s², but since the problem doesn't specify any units, you can use this value as a default.

5. Calculate the values of θ for different time values (t). Choose a range of time values that allows you to observe the behavior of the pendulum. For example, you could use t ranging from 0 to 10 seconds with small increments, such as Δt = 0.1 seconds.

6. For each value of α, use the equation of motion for the pendulum to calculate the corresponding values of θ for different t values. The equation is:

θ(t) = θ0 * exp(-α * t) * cos(sqrt(g / L) * t)

Plug in the values of θ0, α, g, L, and t, and calculate the values of θ for each time value.

7. Create a graph with t on the x-axis and θ on the y-axis. Plot the calculated values of θ for each value of α on the graph. Since you have three different values of α, you will have three plots on the same graph.

8. Label the graph appropriately, including the damping coefficient values used for each plot, the initial angle θ0, and the length L.

By following these steps, you will be able to create plots of θ versus t for three different values of the damping coefficient, showing their distinct behaviors.