briefly explain how an athlete competing in the long jump can prevent the trunk from pitching forward after take-off

To prevent the trunk from pitching forward after take-off in the long jump, an athlete needs to focus on their body positioning, technique, and landing mechanics. Here's a brief explanation of the steps an athlete can take:

1. Approach Run: During the approach run, an athlete should maintain an upright body position, with their trunk slightly inclined forward to generate forward momentum.

2. Take-Off: As the athlete takes off from the board, they should extend their lead leg forward and upwards, while swinging their arms forcefully backward to generate rotational force. This creates a strong upward and forward momentum.

3. Posture and Technique: To prevent the trunk from pitching forward, the athlete needs to maintain a coordinated body position throughout the jump. They should actively engage their core muscles and keep their torso upright by straightening their back and squeezing their glutes.

4. Arm Action: The athlete should continue the arm swing, driving their arms forward and upward in a sweeping motion. This helps to generate lift and counterbalance the forward momentum, keeping the trunk from pitching forward excessively.

5. Leg Drive: Strong leg drive during the take-off phase is crucial. The athlete should ensure that their lead leg extends fully, minimizing any forward rotation of the body during the flight phase. The trail leg should also drive forcefully upward, aiding in maintaining an upright posture.

6. Landing Mechanics: Upon landing in the pit, the athlete should focus on an efficient heel-to-toe foot touchdown, absorbing the impact through flexion of the knees and hips. This helps to maintain balance and stability, reducing the risk of the trunk pitching forward upon landing.

To master this technique, it is important for athletes to work closely with coaches who can provide specific feedback and guidance, as well as practicing drills that focus on body control and positioning throughout the entire jump.