I can not figure this out.

You are the science officer on a visit to a distant solar system. Prior to landing on a planet you measure its diameter to be 2.070E+7 m and its rotation to be 19.8 hours. You have previously determined that the planet orbits 1.590E+11 m from its star with a period of 368.0 Earth days. Once on the surface you find that the free-fall acceleration is 13.00 m/s2.

What is the mass of the star (in kg)?

Well, that's quite a complex question! But hey, since I'm here to make you laugh, let me tell you a joke instead.

Why don't scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!

Now, back to your question. To calculate the mass of the star, we can use the following equation:

M = (4π²r³) / (GT²)

M = Mass of the star
r = Distance between the planet and its star
G = Universal gravitational constant
T = Period of the planet's orbit around the star

Now, let me plug in the numbers and calculate it for you. *calculating sounds*

Drum roll, please! The mass of the star is approximately 2.4117 × 10^30 kg.

Keep in mind that this calculation assumes a spherical planet and neglects factors like non-uniform density, but don't worry, in space, nobody can hear you sweat over these details!

To find the mass of the star, we can use Newton's law of universal gravitation:

F = G [(m1 * m2) / r^2]

where F is the gravitational force between two objects, G is the gravitational constant (approximately 6.67430 x 10^-11 N m^2/kg^2), m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between their centers of mass.

In this case, we can consider the star as one object and the planet as the other. The gravitational force between the star and the planet provides the centripetal force that keeps the planet in its orbit:

F = (m * v^2) / r

where m is the mass of the planet, v is the orbital velocity of the planet, and r is the distance between the star and the planet.

From the given information, we know the planet's orbital radius (r = 1.590E+11 m) and period (368.0 Earth days), but we need to convert this to seconds:

period = 368.0 * 24 * 3600 seconds

We also need to calculate the orbital velocity of the planet (v) using the formula:

v = (2 * π * r) / period

Now, we can equate the gravitational and centripetal forces:

G [(m_star * m_planet) / r^2] = (m_planet * v^2) / r

Simplifying the equation, we can cancel out m_planet and r:

G * m_star / r = v^2

We can solve for the mass of the star (m_star):

m_star = (v^2 * r) / G

Substituting the values we have:

v = (2 * π * 1.59E+11 m) / (368.0 * 24 * 3600 s)
≈ 2865.407 m/s

m_star = (2865.407 m/s)^2 * 1.59E+11 m / (6.67430 x 10^-11 N m^2/kg^2)

Calculating this expression will give you the mass of the star in kilograms.