sam chovell is a private detective working in the Bay area. One month he helped the police to solve five mysteries

What is your question?

To find out the number of mysteries Sam Chovell solved in a month, we need to use the information given: he helped the police solve five mysteries. Therefore, Sam Chovell solved five mysteries in that month.

Alternatively, if you are looking for more information about Sam Chovell or want to verify his work as a private detective, you can use search engines or online directories to find information about him. Some possible steps to find more details about Sam Chovell as a private detective working in the Bay area are:

1. Start by searching for "Sam Chovell private detective Bay area" on a search engine like Google.
2. Look for websites, articles, or directories that mention a private detective named Sam Chovell in the Bay area.
3. Examine the information provided in the search results, such as contact details, testimonials, or any cases he has worked on.
4. Cross-reference the information you find from different sources to gain a better understanding of Sam Chovell's work as a private detective.

These steps should help you gather more information about Sam Chovell and his activities as a private detective in the Bay area.