Convert 3214 (5) to base 10


= 3(5^3) + 2(5^2) + 1(5) + 4
= 375 + 50 + 5 + 4
= 434

To convert a number from any base to base 10, we need to multiply each digit of the number by the corresponding power of the base, and then sum all the results.

In this case, we want to convert 3214 from base 5 to base 10.

Let's break down the number 3214 (5) step by step:

1. The rightmost digit is 4. We need to multiply it by 5^0 (since it is in the zeroth position). So, 4 * 5^0 = 4 * 1 = 4.

2. The next digit from the right is 1. We need to multiply it by 5^1 (since it is in the first position). So, 1 * 5^1 = 1 * 5 = 5.

3. The next digit from the right is 2. We need to multiply it by 5^2 (since it is in the second position). So, 2 * 5^2 = 2 * 25 = 50.

4. The leftmost digit is 3. We need to multiply it by 5^3 (since it is in the third position). So, 3 * 5^3 = 3 * 125 = 375.

5. Finally, add up all the results: 4 + 5 + 50 + 375 = 434.

Therefore, the number 3214 (5) is equal to 434 in base 10.